60 x 20 x 20 cm
Metal, wood, cloth, rubber, leather, silicone and acrylic
an exhibition and a book
Cultural center Manos Loizos, Nikea, Athens
Presented: Salon de Vortex
Who knows why one photographs the things one does
[…]a flaneur through this city since my return, approximately nine years ago, I collect, without any conscious reason or research design, images of perfectly ephemeral narratives of the urban landscape
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fragments of insignificant interventions which, inert though they appear on the surface, nevertheless inscribe the face and the everyday life of the city […] details, trappings and markings, symbols that facilitate the flow of social performances, modifications and interpositions of the social subject on public space, shapes that are recognizable, with a codified symbolic function and images without overt reference, trace upon trace, are articulated in my archive as inoperative experiences with none of the intentional charge of a nostalgic reminder, but as a momentary promise of return, as a mnemonic reference which might, at some point, enforce a return, might recall the random memorandum transforming it into conscious narrative […] testimonies of the eye which, whether accidentally or not, “fell” on something and subconsciously preserved the picture, Benjamin’s “flash image” […] I went back to the archive, the obsessive recording of those footnotes which are without knowledge of why and occasionally of when and where, and from the representation of the subconsciously imprinted image, I articulated a conscious discourse, a narrative on the non-normalcy of the familiar.